The Process Of Painting Sabrina
I had so much fun painting Sabrina, but at the same time I felt bad for what I was doing to her. First we both went to the dollar store to get cheap washable paint, It was very important that the paint was washable. I did not want to permanently stain Sabrina blue. After getting back to my house from the store Sabrina put on the blue dress we picked specifically for this project then the painted herself with a base coat of baby blue. And I think that base coat really pulled everything together. After that base coat Proceeded to cover her with paint, starting with the darkest blue and working my way up to the lightest. - Christian Raitt
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All Un-Used Photos
These are all of the photos wee took. We went to three locations but one location ended up not working for us. We played around with many posses, and the final piece is a culmination of various photos and posses.
Editing The 4 Photos Together
We took many photos at many locations and there were a lot of photos that I liked, so I took my favorite photos and mushed them together into what became "DESIDERIUM"